Friday, October 22, 2010


Yesterday Christian I went back to the island of Suomenlinna to watch the boats being prepared for dry dock through the winter.  This is from their website and explains the process. 

The Viapori docks at Susisaari island in Suomenlinna form Finland’s oldest operational dock area, and one of the oldest facilities of its kind still operating anywhere in the world. The docks were originally built (1750's) as protection for the Finnish coastal navy during the Swedish empire period, and nowadays they are used for docking and repairing traditional sailing ships and boats. Most of the 25 traditional timber sailing ships in Finland spend the winter at Suomenlinna. The dock area operations are managed by the Viaporin telakka ry association, founded in 1987.

During the Docking Week from 18 to 24 October there is plenty to see at the dock basin nearly every day. On Tuesday 19 October the inner basin of the dock will be flooded and the vessels will glide into the basin in a pre-arranged order. On Thursday 21 October, the gate of the inner basin will be closed, and the ships must be grouped in docking order. Water will then be pumped out until the water level is close to the docking depth of the first vessel. The actual docking will begin on the morning of Friday 22 October: the basin will be emptied and the ships laid to rest on platforms with the aid of divers. Visitors may watch the docking from a belvedere or from the end of the inner basin.

So this is what the docks looked like when we visited on October 8, 2010.            


And this is taken from the same spot on October 20, 2010.  Pretty Amazing!

 You can find at more at their website:

Senate Square

This is Senate Square in front of the Lutheran Cathedral just a block north from the main harbor.  For the past month there has been a traveling exhibit United Buddy Bears, that promotes world peace and tolerance between peoples.   Each bear was decorated by an artist from the countries that took part in the project.  The U.S. bear was of course dressed like the statue of liberty.

From the top of the stairs in front of the Cathedral.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jogurtti - Yogurt

Europeans do yogurt and most dairy products very well! I have become completely addicted to having yogurt and cereal at least once a day! It is so delicious, creamy and smooth.  Plus it comes in 1 liter containers so you can pour it right on your cereal! 

Kengät - Boots!


So Christian and I have both bought a pair of boots!  I purchased mine about two weeks ago because it had been raining about 3-4 days out of each week and I was sick of walking in wet sneakers.  A lot of people where wellies or small mid-calf boots made by Nokia! (Yes Nokia was a rubber manufacturer before they turned to electronics)  So I found a pair I liked, they are Viking brand, not sure if it is any relation to the Viking ferry company that runs back and forth from Helsinki to Tallin and Stockholm but at any rate I haven't gotten to wear them! It has not rained a single day in two weeks and has been absolutely sunny and gorgeous, not that I am complaining but I would like to go puddle jumping before it gets too cold.  Christian on the other hand took his for a test spin last night when went to go get pizza.  His are made by Jalas a heavy workman's shoe company that specializes in boots for fire fighters.  Christian is quiet pleased with the purchase.  They are aluminum toed, water repellent leather, and insulated for winter, so he can wear them in the foundry and just about everywhere else too. 